Juicing fruits and veggies to ensure the intake of healthy nutrients in your body is a very smart and conscious choice. And having a portable juicer at your home makes the juicing process even smoother.
Although there are multiple different juicers available today, most of them follow a simple workflow. The raw product is fed into the juicer through a feed pipe. Then the sharp blades begin to rotate at full speed. The fast-rotating blade shreds the raw material and extracts the juice from them. Then this juice is collected in a jar or a pitcher.
Getting advantage of the amazing new gadgets built by modern technology has become a lot easier. This is also true for modern juicers. Because you don’t need to do anything as these juicers do the work for you. So, knowing how a juicer works is a must for health-conscious people!
What Are The Types Of Juicers?
Taking fruit juice has its own benefits. Juices have elements that are important for ones’ health. There are various kinds of juicers that each work in a different way.
The four most common types of juicers are:
1. Centrifugal Juicer
2. Masticating Juicer
3. Twin-Gear Juicer
4. Cold Press Juice Machine
How Do Those 4 Types of Juicers Work?
Juicing means extracting juice from vegetables and fruits. Nowadays, the most common juicer is the centrifugal juicer. But that doesn’t mean that the other types of juicers are any less effective.
Masticating, Twin Gear, and Cold Press juicers are all quite popular among juice enthusiasts, and each device has its set of benefits. You should learn the primary mechanism of each type before deciding to get one. That way, you can be sure that you made the right choice and all your juicing needs will be met.
How Do Centrifugal Juicers Work?
Centrifugal juicers are obviously the most common juicers in households. One of the reasons these juicers are so popular is their low price. Centrifugal juicers have a speed of 6,000-14,000 RPM (Rotations Per Minute). They’re one of the fastest juicers too.
In a centrifugal juicer, the raw material is fed through a feed tube. When the product reaches the blades, it turns at full speed. The blade uses centrifugal force to operate. After the juicing is done, it’s pushed through a screen and into a pitcher or glass.
Although the centrifugal juicers are speedy and pretty cheap, the process has its downsides. The juice extracted from centrifugal juicers tends to separate and break down very fast. And because the raw material is basically being chopped up at high-speed, the liquid can consist of up to 30% solid matter.
These juicers are best suitable for beginners who are on a budget and want to give as little effort as they could. However, if you plan to pre-make some juice to have later or produce large batches, then a centrifugal juicer is not a good choice for you. It’s better for those people who instantly want to make some fresh juice and drink right away.
How Do Masticating Juicers Work?
Masticating juicers work with a single gear. They give you 100% whole juice with a single load. The speed of masticating juicers is plodding. It’s about 100 RPM and is better suited for chewing up veggies and fruits. After they’re chewed, you can extract the juice from them correctly.
This product is way slower than the centrifugal juicer. It spends most of its time extracting the vitamins, fiber, and enzymes from fruits and veggies.
The single gear of the masticating juicer is basically a drilling device that’s connected to the more extensive apparatus. The gear or the auger has a strong drilling blade that helps remove the pulp from the raw material.
Like the centrifugal juicers, masticating juicers have a mesh that allows extracting the juice and removing the pulps from it. But because this device is a lot slower than the centrifugal juicer, the price of the masticating juicer is higher. That’s because this juicer keeps the fibers, enzymes, and other nutritious elements intact within the juice.
However, there are some demerits of masticating juicers. The juice extracted from these juicers tends to be a lot pulpy. They consist of thick and chunky bits of the raw product. Many people feel unpleasant because of this. Also, as the quality of the vegetable stays almost the same, sometimes they can taste much more bitter than usual.
How Do Twin Gear Juicers Work?
As the name goes, twin gear juicers have two augers. Also familiar as triturating juicers, these twin-gear juicers have become extremely popular among people who understand the value of consuming nutritious food and their juice.
Many people have made juice intake an integral part of their life. It’s a process that they follow to ensure a better and healthy life. Fresh juice is always packed with natural nutrients. This means that every time you have some juice, it instantly adds value to your overall health.
The twin-gear juicer is designed for grinding and crushing all sorts of fruit and veggies, making it as fine as it gets. By going through this process, the juice that finally comes out is full of nutrients. This juicer is also very versatile. People can not only make juice with it, but they can make baby food and nut butter too.
Like the juice extracted from masticating juicers, the juice made from twin gear juicers also consists of solid matters. Up to 30% of the liquid remains chunky. Another bad thing about twin auger juicers is that they are also pretty costly, slow, and hard to clean.
How Do Cold Press Juicers Work?
The best type of juicer uses pneumatic or hydraulic press technology. These are the most efficient juicers in the market. Most juice bars use these juicers to make super high-quality juice for the customers.
After the product is dropped into the juicer, it's chopped unless it has an even consistency. Then the juice is extracted out of the chunky bits by pressing it under a certain amount of pressure. Any remaining pulps or chunks are filtered through the press bag. This entire process ensures that the resulting juice is silky smooth.
Related Read: Best Commercial Cold Press Juicers – Indpeth Reviews With Buying Guide
The only negative side of this type of juicer is the price tag. These types of juicers are only suitable for juice businesses and restaurants. At-home juice aficionados can also go for these expensive kitchen appliances. Because these juicers offer the healthiest and best-testing juice ever.
People are becoming conscious and cautious of their health every day. That’s why they are resorting to natural food sources. And juicing allows them to get those essential nutrients and enzymes quickly.
Some hand-held manual juicers are also used for juicing. These juicers are more beneficial as they are portable and are much less expensive. But the downside of these juicers is that they require immense effort to use. These juicers are best suitable for occasional juicing.
Therefore, you need to know how a juicer works before actually using them. That way, you can ensure the most efficient extraction from the food particles.

Hello, This is Annie Walker, a 37-year-old blogger, founder, and editor of Cookware Guider from NY, USA. I am a cookware fanatic and passionate cooker. I love to cook with different types of cooking appliances (example: all types of cookware, rice cookers, slow cookers, etc) almost every day in my kitchen. I love to share my experience with my readers in my blog. Also, I enjoy helping people to solve their problems through my website. You can follow me on Twitter & Pinterest. To know details about my blog please check the about us page.